Thursday, September 22, 2011

We're here!!

We made it to Spain!! It took a long flight and a long bus ride, but we're finally here in our city right now and staying in Hostel Salud. The city is beautiful; we both LOVE it! The weather is great and the food is even better! The best news is that we have a place to live! It's in a great location near the city center and only 10 minutes walking distance from the school I'll be working at. We have an amazing view of the city from our terrace! We move in tomorrow morning and will have two roommates, Laura and Mariana. 

We're so excited and happy that things are starting to fall into place. We'll update with pictures of our apartment and the city when we can (we're not sure how long it will take to get internet in our new place). 

Well, that's all for now. It's around 2pm here, so that means it's time for siesta. :)

Hasta luego!

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

"Oh, you're still here?"

In only SIX DAYS, Patrick and I will be taking off for Spain! I guess I should probably start packing...

(That's going to be me in a couple days...YIKES)

I guess you could say these last few weeks have been a complete whirlwind. Patrick and I have been very busy saying goodbyes, purchasing last minute necessities ("But Patrick, I really need that pair of shoes!"), and making our way to Chicago one more time to pick up my visa, which was a task in itself. 

We've both been very busy, but have made sure to make time to see the people who mean the most to us. This past weekend we stayed in Milwaukee with Patrick's aunt and uncle, Eileen and Greg. During the weekend we got to spend time with Patrick's grandparents and other relatives, watch his cousin Maddie's cross country race, and I even got a chance to see my great friend Kayla one last time, with whom visits are very few and far between. It's weekends like those that really make us realize how much we'll miss our family and friends! (Just a reminder, everybody is more than welcome to come visit us!)

While the time continues to fly by for us, Patrick and I have noticed quite a bit lately that whenever we run into somebody we know, mainly from college, everybody seems to say, "Oh, you're still here?" Yep. We're still here, sorry to disappoint you. Kidding. We promise we're leaving, and we couldn't be more excited! :)

Well, like I said before, only 6 more days until take-off. That means only 6 more days of family time, American food, having a car, etc. It's going to be really hard being away from my family during the holidays for the first time ever, and not being able to just hop in the car or pick up the phone when I want to see and talk to my family and friends. However, for everything we're going to miss here, there are SO many things we're looking forward to:

  • Siestas
  • Spanish food (paella, chorizo, spanish tortilla....)
  • The ease of traveling throughout Europe
  • Tapas
  • Beautiful beaches, churches, art, etc.
  • Exploring our new city
  • Improving our Spanish
  • Shopping and Nightlife (helloooo new shoes!)
Well, that's all for now. The next time you hear from us, we'll probably be in Spain, blogging from our temporary home, Hostel Salud. (That's if I can actually bring myself to pack my suitcase AND if we don't run into any problems...Here's to hoping!) 

Hasta luego!