Monday, December 26, 2011

Veni, Vidi, Vici: Rome

"I came, I saw, I conquered." -Julius Caesar

We came, we saw, but we definitely did not conquer Rome in the six days we spent there. We did manage to see quite a bit of it though, and it was all AMAZING.

On our very first day in Rome, after a long and uncomfortable train ride overnight from Venice, we set off exploring. Our first stop was the Spanish Steps, the widest staircase in Europe. 

View from the bottom of the Spanish Steps

Next up was the Trevi Fountain, which turned out to be one of our favorite places in Rome. Legend has it that if you throw a coin into the fountain, you're destined to come back to Rome some day. 

Absolutely breathtaking!
Throwing a coin in the fountain; he's definitely coming back to Rome!

Since Patrick and I had 6 full days in Rome, we were able to take our time and see most of the major sites; we even revisited some sites more than once (Five times for the really is that impressive!). It was pretty amazing seeing the Colosseum; you always see it in movies and on TV, but you never actually think that one day you'll be standing inside it. 

Pretty impressive, huh?

Inside the Colosseum

Some of the other pretty great sights we saw were the Pantheon:

The best preserved Roman monument

A very impressive view of Rome from Trastevere:
Rome is such a beautiful city!
Many, many beautiful churches:

The Vatican:

And to top it all off, we even saw the POPE!

Can you see him?
That's right, we've been blessed by the Pope. We've never been able to say that before!

All in all, it was a great trip, and probably our favorite place that we have visited so far!

As for that announcement I told you about...
For all you lucky people back in the States, Patrick will home sooner than later, as in January 10th! We decided it would be best if he went back to try and find a job, since the job prospects are basically non-existent for him over here. Get ready to welcome him back with all the good food, friends & family he's been missing over here! :)

Hasta luego!

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