Monday, October 17, 2011

The Beach in October

On a whim, Patrick and I decided to take a little vacation on my 3-day weekend. Since the weather here has been unseasonably warm (I'm talking 85-90 degrees every day), we decided to take advantage of this and go to the beach.

We went to the port city of Huelva, in the south of Spain. Huelva is supposedly where Christopher Columbus lived for a year before taking off for the Americas. The town wasn't anything too special, but hey, we were able to go to the beach. In October!

Here are a few pictures from our little beach vacation:

Right near the port

Posing for the camera, such a clown :)

In Huelva after an uncomfortable (but cheap!) bus ride

There's nothing better than a day at the beach!

The shore was lined with thousands and thousands of shells

1 comment:

  1. Mucho jealous! It was 27F in Eau Claire this morning :-(
