Tuesday, November 8, 2011

I'm Dreaming of a White Christmas...

Nobody says it better than Bing Crosby. I really am dreaming of a white Christmas. All I can think about right now is sitting around with family in a warm, cozy house (with carpet!), eating Christmas dinner, opening presents next to the Christmas tree, seeing my house lit up with twinkling white lights, and so much more. 

Although I've had some pretty great experiences here, the homesickness hasn't quite gone away. My job isn't going quite as I expected it to; I was the 'lucky' one in Merida to be placed in the 'dangerous, ghetto school' according to one of the families I give private lessons to. Fantastic, right? Don't get me wrong, I do love some of my classes, like my Primer ESO students (11-12 year-olds) who are always so excited and actually participate when I'm there, not to mention their English is great, and I love my business classes, which consist of students all older than me. However, the majority of my classes are not-so-nice teenagers who could care less about learning English, not to mention their extremely low level of English makes me wonder if they've been sleeping through their classes for the past 8 years... 

What makes it harder is that the teachers all expect different things from me. Some expect me to plan the lessons for them, while others simply want me there for speaking exercises. Having 16 different classes with varying levels of English makes it quite hard to plan lessons, so here's to hoping I'll make it through the next 7 months without a meltdown.

I know I'm ranting a bit, but the last couple weeks have been a little rough. It's getting colder here and our apartment building has not turned the heat on, I'm getting bossed around by a (spoiled only child) 5-year-old in one of my private lessons (seriously), and I have yet to get paid after working for more than a month. All of this leaves me wondering what else could go wrong.

That being said, I'm seriously contemplating going home for the holidays. I have a little over 3 weeks off of work, so it would either mean a lot of time at home, or a lot of traveling time throughout Europe (Paris, Germany, Italy, etc...).

 Now comes decision time, because no matter what I decide, there's a lot of planning to do. Do I really want to miss Christmas in Paris, a crazy New Year's Eve Party in Berlin and a week of traveling with my partner-in-crime from home (shout-out to Sam!)? Then again, how could I miss seeing this face during Christmas...

Oh hey, Dad :)
Not to mention the rest of my family's smiling faces as well?

Decisions, decisions...

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