Thursday, March 22, 2012

Stubborn Horses and Dirty Jokes

So it's been a couple weeks since I've posted, and boy, have I been busy. First was the weekend in Sevilla followed by horseback riding on a beach in Huelva. It was my very first horse ride, so I was a bit nervous, but everything turned out great! My horse's name was Princesa. Her name definitely suited her; she did what she wanted, when she wanted. There was NO way she was going anywhere near the water when we were riding on the beach, and after having to give her a few nudges to get her moving, she gave me a piece of her mind, and rammed my leg into a tree. 

Touche Princesa, touche.

Yeah, she was pretty sick of me by this point.
Last weekend I took a trip to Barcelona to visit my friend Paty, who I met 5 long years ago the very first time I came to Spain with my high school Spanish class. One of my classmates was staying with Paty, so that's how we initially met. With Facebook, we've been able to keep in touch, and I'm so glad we have. It was great seeing her again, and I had a fantastic weekend!

At Parc Guell in Barcelona

I'll write more about my trip to Barcelona later when I get back from Paris (oh yeah, I'm going to Paris this weekend!). Let's just say there was a lot of drinking, dancing & chaos. Also, one of the funnier moments of the weekend occurred when Paty invited me to this improv show that a bunch of her university classmates do every Friday night. I was sitting back, enjoying the skits and joke-telling, when all of a sudden, I was the one chosen to get up in front of everybody to tell a joke. 

My first thought: panic. My second thought: can somebody please get me a drink?!

Well, I told the first joke that popped into my head. It was a dirty joke. A very, very dirty joke. Like, so dirty I'm almost ashamed that I know it and told it to a group of people I just met. (No, I will not tell you what it is) But in reality, I'm not ashamed. I'm proud. You know why? Because I told the entire joke in Spanish. To a group of Spaniards.  And they even understood the joke.

The best part? They thought it was pretty funny. 


Anyways, if you're looking for me this weekend, you can find me doing one of three things:
1. Falling in love under the Eiffel Tower (hey, it could happen) 2. Eating Macaroons 3. Actually, I'll probably just be doing those two things until I'm satisfied.

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