Monday, November 21, 2011

What's Not to Love?

In just a short week and a half, this will be us:

Going on a romantic gondola ride through the canals of Venice, while the gondolier serenades us with his song (that is if Patrick doesn't beat him to it!).

That's right, we're going to Venice, Italy!!

We get to explore this famous sinking city for 3 or 4 days, taking in the beauty of St. Mark's Basilica, walking through the Piazza San Marco, and getting lost in the winding streets and canals. Let's not forget eating many delicious Italian pizzas, gelato and pastries. I honestly can't figure out what I'm the most excited about!

Did I mention that we're only paying about $60 round trip for our flights, and our hostel is a short 3-minute walk from the main square? And that we might end up going to Rome as well?What's not to love?!

Until then, I'll have to struggle through these next two weeks as I wait to embark on our journey to Italy. It should go by fast, especially considering we're going to Lisbon, Portugal this weekend! :)

Anybody care to join?

1 comment:

  1. Jessa ~

    I've been following your blog off and on since you left... It is amazing to see you and Patrick doing so well over there! I absolutely love your stories and pictures... I can't help to be slightly jealous of your adventures, but I am beyond happy for the two of you!!

    Keep the posts coming! :)

    Your old Supervisor ~
