Thursday, February 2, 2012


It's been way too long since I've updated my blog, and quite a bit has happened since then. I've been pretty busy these last couple weeks working on some translations for the Government of Extremadura, but as soon as they're done I'll have more time to work on some of the goals I've set for myself.

  • Update my blog! I just got back from an incredible weekend in Malaga, so I'll try to come up with a post this weekend during my free time.
  • Start training for a 5k. I've always wanted to run a 5k or some type of race, but I was never motivated enough to do it. I've set up a schedule for myself and I'll begin training for it next Tuesday!
  • Plan more trips! I'll be booking my plane ticket for Belgium tonight for a nice little trip from February 18th through the 21st; I can't wait! Belgian waffles and chocolate, anyone? :) I'm also working on setting up a weekend in Paris, and I would love, love, love to spend St. Patrick's Day weekend in Ireland. We'll see what happens.
  • Get everything set up for my family's visit. I can't tell you how extremely excited I am for my family to come visit me. They'll be here from March 30th (right after my birthday!!) until April 9th, so right now I've got to set up a trip itinerary and make sure they have an amazing time in Spain!
It's not a very long list of goals, but I'm starting small to make sure I can accomplish everything I want to. :)

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